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In order to be a member, you must be AT LEAST 21 YEARS OLD!

If you wish to become a member and believe in the spiritual and or religious use of entheogens, then simply contact us and ask for THE ESSENTIAL MATERIALS and order the Ministry Essentials Packet, sign the membership card, take a pic of it, and then send it through the contact page. Thank you and happy journey!

After fighting the State of Idaho on the spiritual use of cannabis and them ruling against me because it was spiritual and not religious, It was determined that I needed to better organize with much  needed essential paperwork in order to better serve the church and it's members. The better organized your are from the beginning will aid you in an acquittal or dismissal of charges. Always plead not guilty and demand a jury trial. With these materials as evidence against the states defense, a jury trial of your peers will be more likely to find you not guilty and acquit you of any charges so long as it is for personal use. Do not take a plea deal, which they will offer because they have no defense against this, They will try to force a plea deal on you before trial so as to not allow your peers to acquit you of charges. These necessary documents in the  Ministry Essentials Packet will aid all members in the necessary religious defense for personal use of entheogenic sacraments so long as they are used for spiritual and religious purpose, which is for the purpose of receiving individual enlightenment pertaining to one’s own sense of being (past, present, and future), purpose in this life, acceptance of death, and personal relationship to the Divine.

Quick note about downloading materials make sure you have the correct Avery template materials. To find the template hover the pointer over the PDF symbol.

Sacrament Container Labels
It is best to choose a specific container for your sacrament and place thelabel where it will be visible.

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Membership Practitioner Card
It is best to carry your membership card on you when using or traveling with your sacrament.


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The Ministry Essentials Packet is for your religious defense and home. It is in addition to the label and wallet I.D. card. It is $25 for print materials. Originals are printed on 24 lb watermarked linen business paper.

Cover Sheet

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4 Pillars of Belief

  • Ultimate Ideals 

  • Metaphysical Beliefs 

  • Moral & Ethical System 

  • Comprehensiveness of Beliefs

coct 4 pillars of entheogenic spiritual

Accoutrements of Religion

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Church Creed

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The right to worship in this country only goes so far and does not protect the right to follow a spiritual path as a personal belief system such as Buddhism etc.. or the spiritual (shamanic) use of entheogens without it being attached to a religious belief like the religious use of peyote, which is a spiritual use and not religious.  To allow it they forced the Native Americans

to organize the Native American Church to suffice the religious use protection of peyote. The spiritual use of entheogens predates all religions and the idea of a church by 10,000 years or more and they deserve the same protection as religion. The words in the law only state protections for religious belief or use. They do not state the right to be protected for following a spiritual path that many believe in and follow (except some state religious freedoms laws protect the right to worship). The religious freedom laws need to be revised to allow the right to not or the right to worship whether it be religious, spiritual, or otherwise.

Religious Freedom and Free Speech laws & protections vary by state. Sample of KY Religious Freedoms & Free Speech protection document.

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The Membership I.D. Practitioner Card document is a larger version of the wallet size I.D. card and can be framed and hung up in your home. It also allows the reader to better see what's written on

the wallet card. Sign it too.

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This certificate is for those who wish to go a little further and become a C.O.C.T. Minister. If a person wishes to become a Minister to perform

weddings, funeral etc.. there is a different set of credentials for that. Both are necessary to have a satellite ministry.

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