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Reframe Your Brain: Addiction Therapy

Breaking the Chains of Addiction 
By Rev Lion 03/14/24

In my early thirties (2001) I had been smoking cigarettes for nearly 8 years. My doctor told me I had to stop smoking something or I was going to die. It was a no brainer I knew cannabis was metal, physical, and spiritual medicine so it had to be cigarettes. I tried to quit numerous times before only to fail again and again. I smoked on the pill, the patch, gum, and everything else.

It was revealed to me that I could rewire my brain and then my body would follow. I had been introduced to cognitive therapy by Vietnam veteran service men, which was/is part of their ongoing PTSD/addiction management. Going with the idea that doing something 30 times a day becomes a habit, which aligns with others who projected 21-66 days [1]  to form/create a new habit. I remember back in the early 80s when my wrestling coach and kung fu Cifu both suggested that training moves 30 times/day will make it a habit/instinctual.  

Knowing how difficult it had been to quit smoking it seemed almost impossible to finalize it. I thought if I held up each cigarette (30 a day), then said out loud I don’t need you anymore, making sure it was at least 30 times. I figured that if I did this 30 times a day for 90 days it would rewire my brain to know I did not need it anymore. Once I had done that for 90 days, I did the same thing again only saying I don’t want you anymore 30 times a day for 90 days. After 180 days, my brain had rewired my mind and body, so I was primed to quit, and I did. Then I had to replace the hand to mouth sequence, which I substituted sunflower seeds. 

I haven’t smoked a cigarette since 12:30 am 06/02/02. Repetition works with neuroplasticity to reform neural pathways to create new habits. “Self-directed neuroplasticity is when you intentionally rewire your brain to create positive habits. People do this primarily through active reflection.” [2]   


[1] Gabriel Dalexander. How Much Repetition Does It Take To Rewire Your Brain?. (2024). Retrieved 14 March 2024, from 
[2] The Science of Habit. (2024). Retrieved 14 March 2024, from 


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